понедельник, 30 апреля 2012 г.

piece of art

Artist:  Salvador Dalí
Title: The Persistence of Memory ( spanish: La persistencia de la memoria)
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 9.5x13 inches
Country of Origin: Spain
Current location: MoMa (Museum of Modern Art) in New-York

It is the image of the soft melting pocket watch. It is possible to recognize a human figure in the middle of the composition, in the strange "monster" that Dalí used in several period pieces to represent himself – the abstract form becoming something of a self-portrait, reappearing frequently in his work. The orange clock at the bottom left of the painting is covered in ants. Dalí often used ants in his paintings as a symbol for death. The figure in the middle of the picture can be read as a "fading" creature, one that often appears in dreams where the dreamer cannot pinpoint the creature's exact form and composition. One can observe that the creature has one closed eye with several eyelashes, suggesting that the creature is also in a dream state.

To my mind, it's fantastic. This masterpiece makes me think about so many things, that I can't even separate them from each other. All these pocket watches symbolize the liquidity of time in our memories, in our dreams. There is an opposition between the name of the picture and the picture itself: in the name we see a word "persistence", but on the painting all the pocket watches are so fluid, that they can't be persistant at all. Everything is so inconstant, that you can fall deep into thoughts, when you look at "The persistence of memory".

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